
Hello 👋, I'm Jasan Hernández

I am a passionate software developer who has worked on a variety of web and mobile projects. I love facing challenges and challenges in my work, and I am always looking for new technologies and tools to improve my skills and offer innovative solutions to my clients

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Work Experience ✍️

work remotely
March 2021 - now
Front End Web Developer — Dacodes

I participated in the development of a design system for React components with Tailwind CSS. To create a catalog of components, we used Storybook and I also collaborated in the documentation of the design library. In addition, I made the layout of a SPA website using the components of the aforementioned library and integrated web services with React Query. Throughout the process, I carried out tests with Vite and React Testing Library to ensure the quality of the software. I also contributed to additional company projects using technologies such as Next.js and TypeScript. Thanks to my work, the quality and efficiency of the software was improved, and a better user experience was achieved.

work remotely
June 2021 - April 2022
Rocket code
Full Stack Engineer — Rocket code

I worked in the development of web services using Node.js and GraphQL, and in the implementation of ReactJS components with web services using Apollo. In addition, I participated in the creation of queries with MySQL for data management. I also worked on the implementation of state management and business logic for the frontend and backend, which allowed to improve the efficiency and quality of the software.It was a challenging project where I was able to apply my technical skills and work as a team to achieve the objectives of the company.

work remotely
August 2021 - February 2022
React Developer — SmartKode

I dedicated myself to the layout of the user interface using React and Styled-Components, and I used Firebase as a hosting platform for the project. One of the projects I worked on was updating and improving the interface of https://appgua.com.mx, which implied improving the user experience and the efficiency of the website. In addition, I also participated in the creation of an online painting calculator called "Coloring", which allowed users to calculate the exact amount of paint they needed based on the measurements provided, and offered purchasing suggestions for optimization and potential cost savings.This involved working on data modeling, developing the algorithm for the calculator, and integrating the tool on the website. It was a very exciting project where I was able to apply my technical skills to create useful tools for users and improve the quality of the online experience.

work remotely
August 2019 - January 2021
Front End Mobile Developer — TulkitPay

Actively assisted in the development of a mobile app UI using Flutter. Worked closely with my team and participated in strategic technical decision making for the app. Additionally, helped promote best practices , methodologies and technologies that could help with the workload of the team and improve the quality of the product. I was also involved in the integration with third party web services to provide a smooth user experience and efficient connectivity

work remotely
January 2020 - July 2020
Front End Web Developer — LeonidasEsteban

I collaborated in the layout of the website and in the integration of third-party services with the development team. I also actively participated in the data modeling using Firebase and in the implementation of Server Side Rendering (SSR) using NextJS, which significantly improved the performance of the website. I worked together with the team on integrating Redux with SSR for better application state management. It was a team effort where I contributed my knowledge and skills to achieve company goals.

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